Climate and health - or "The art of handling clean-ic air" are the main topics in the latest issue of TROX life, the customer magazine from TROX. The focus is on the challenges of climate change and its effects on health. Heatwaves, rising temperatures and the spread of infectious diseases significantly increase the risk of illness - for all of us, but especially for older people.
TROX is working intensively on these issues and offers solutions that ensure healthy indoor air quality. We will show you exactly what these are with the help of some current examples. You can also read a reference report on the innovative ventilation concept for the St Josef Hospital in Moers, where our radio-controlled RadioDuct control system was and is being used for the refurbishment.
TROX is also active internationally - and so we have compiled two interesting reports on international projects in Norway and France. We also look at how the built environment affects health and well-being and discuss the question of how economic pressure can and should be taken off hospitals. Interesting?
Our goal is to awaken your interest in air and keep it awake! The TROX life customer magazine gives you regular updates on the topic of air and offers many interesting perspectives.
You have missed an issue of the TROX life? You can choose here which issue(s) of TROX life you would like to order free of charge.
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