Duct smoke detector RM-O-VS-D
Tested to VDI 6022
With TROXNETCOM as an option


For smoke detection in ducts with integrated airflow monitoring

Duct smoke detector with airflow monitoring function to prevent smoke from spreading through the ducts of ventilation and air conditioning systems

  • To provide the control input signal for fire dampers
  • To provide the control input signal for smoke protection dampers
  • For airflow velocities up to 20 m/s
  • For any airflow direction
  • Contamination level indicator
  • Automatic adjustment of the alarm threshold, hence long service life and little requirement for maintenance
  • Volt-free signal and alarm relays
  • Airflow monitor

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Integration into the central BMS with TROXNETCOM



  • Duct smoke detectors of Type RM-O-VS-D are used to control fire dampers and smoke protection dampers with electric or electric-pneumatic release mechanisms (power off to close)
  • Control of smoke protection dampers with electric spring return actuators
  • Used to prevent smoke from spreading through the ducts of ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Integration into the central BMS with TROXNETCOM

Special characteristics

  • Smoke detection based on the principle of light scattering
  • For airflow velocities from 1 to 20 m/s
  • Airflow monitoring
  • With volt-free signal and alarm relays
  • Integral signal lamps
  • Choice of four airflow directions (every 90°)
  • Easily removable sensor head (simplifies functional testing)
  • Contamination level indicator and automatic adjustment of the alarm threshold, hence long service life
  • Airflow monitoring unit (warning threshold < 2 m/s)
  • Annual maintenance
  • Can be used with products of any make or model


  • Building inspectorate licence Z-78.6-67 from the DIBt, Berlin, Germany



  • RM-O-VS-D: Duct smoke detector

Parts and characteristics

  • Duct smoke detectors with power supply unit, sensor electronics, sensor head and airflow monitor
  • Reset/Test push button
  • Signal lamp, green – operation (system monitoring)
  • Signal lamp, red – release (alarm)
  • Signal lamp, yellow – pollution (indicates contamination)
  • Signal lamp, blue – airflow (airflow monitoring)
  • Hinged cover
  • 4 cover screws

Materials and surfaces

  • Plastic casing

Standards and guidelines

  • Building inspectorate licence Z-78.6-67 from the DIBt, Berlin, Germany
  • Guideline regarding fire protection requirements on ventilation systems (Lüftungsanlagen-Richtlinie, LüAR)


  • The functional reliability of the duct smoke detector must be tested at least every 12 months; this has to be arranged by the owner of the ventilation system; functional tests must be carried out in compliance with the basic maintenance principles stated in EN 13306 and DIN 31051.
  • Duct smoke detectors must be included in the regular cleaning schedule of the ventilation system
  • For details on maintenance and inspection refer to the installation and operating manual


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