Jalousieklappe JZ-HL-AL

Jalousieklappe ohne Anbauteile und Zubehör

Gegenläufige Lamellen

Opposed blades



Multileaf dampers made of aluminium for low-leakage shut-off in air conditioning systems


Rectangular multileaf dampers for volume flow and pressure control as well as for low-leakage shut-off of ducts and openings in walls and ceiling slabs

  • Maximum dimensions 1200 × 1000 mm
  • Closed multileaf damper air leakage to EN 1751, class 2
  • Casing air leakage to EN 1751, class C
  • Aerofoil opposed action blades
  • Blades interconnected by gears
  • Available in standard sizes and many intermediate sizes

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Actuators: Open/close actuators, modulating actuators
  • Powder-coated construction
  • Anodised construction




General information


  • Multileaf dampers as a control element in volume flow rate and differential pressure control in ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • For low-leakage shut-off of ducts and openings in walls and ceiling slabs

Special features

  • Aerofoil blades
  • Low-maintenance, robust construction
  • No parts with silicone
  • Available in standard sizes and many intermediate sizes
  • Closed cell side seals meet increased hygiene requirements


Air leakage with closed multileaf damper according to EN 1751: test pressure up to 2000 Pa

  • Class 2

Nominal sizes

  • B: 200 – 1200 mm, in increments of 1 mm
  • H: 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 mm
  • Any combination of B × H

Parts and characteristics

  • Ready-to-install shut-off damper
  • Blades with gears
  • Drive arm
  • Quadrant stay with blade position indicator
  • Operating temperature 0 to 60 °C


  • Quadrant stays and limit switches for the infinite adjustment of the multileaf dampers and for capturing the end positions

  • Open/close actuators for opening and closing multileaf dampers

  • Modulating actuators for variable damper blade positions

  • Pneumatic actuators for opening and closing multileaf dampers


  • Installation subframes for the fast and simple installation of multileaf dampers

Construction features

  • Rectangular casing, with screws, material thickness 1.5 mm
  • Blades, material thickness 1.25 mm
  • Flanges on both sides, suitable for duct connection, with corner holes
  • Gears on both blade ends
  • Damper blade shafts, Ø12 mm, with notch to indicate the damper blade position (not for attachment ZS99)
  • With drive shaft as an attachment: For the position of the drive shaft see 'Dimensions and weight'
  • With actuator as an attachment: The actuator position at the first blade from the top (with up to 3 blades) or at the third blade from the top (with 4 or more blades)
  • Blade tip seals

Materials and surfaces

  • Casing and blades made of extruded aluminium sections
  • Shafts, bearing plate and position indicator made of galvanised steel
  • Blade tip seals made of PE/PTV plastic
  • P1: Powder-coated, RAL CLASSIC colour
  • PS: Powder-coated, DB colour
  • S3: Anodised, colour according to EURAS standard, E6-C-0

Standards and guidelines

  • Casing air leakage to EN 1751, class C
  • Meets the general requirements of DIN 1946, Part 4, with regard to the acceptable closed multileaf damper air leakage


  • Maintenance-free as construction and materials are not subject to wear
  • Contamination should be removed as it may lead to corrosion and to increased closed multileaf damper air leakage

Техническа информация

Function, Technical data, Quick sizing, Specification text, Order code, Related products

  • Function
Schematic illustration of JZ-HL-AL JZ-HL-AL_gc_01ai.ai.link

① Casing

② Blade tip seal

③ Opposed blades

④ Gears

⑤ Bearing plate with quadrant stay

⑥ Actuator

Multileaf dampers with gears can only have opposed action blades.

The internal gears transfer the synchronous rotational movement from the drive arm to the individual blades.


The torque for actuating multileaf dampers must be dimensioned so that the damper can be safely opened and closed. For closure, the torque must suffice to ensure complete shut-off by the blades. Opening is initiated without the impact of aerodynamic forces. When air flows through the damper, the aerodynamic forces of the airflow create a closing force (torque) on the blades; this happens independently of the direction of the airflow. This closing force must be countered, or overcome. The blade angle α with the largest torque depends, among other things, on the fan characteristics.


Nominal sizes200 × 100 mm – 1200 × 1000 mm
Maximum permitted static differential pressure for a closed multileaf damper2000 Pa
Operating temperature0 to 60 °C

Minimum torques [Nm]

100 – 4505555555555
500 – 100010101010101010101010

 Free cross-sectional area [mm2]

100, 1500.0140.0220.030.0380.0470.0550.0630.0710.0790.0870.095
200, 2500.0280.0450.0610.0770.0930.1090.1260.1420.1580.1740.19
300, 3500.0430.0670.0910.1150.140.1640.1880.2130.2370.2610.286
400, 4500.0570.0890.1220.1540.1860.2190.2510.2840.3160.3480.381
500, 5500.0710.1110.1520.1920.2330.2730.3140.3540.3950.4350.476
600, 6500.0850.1340.1820.2310.2790.3280.3770.4250.4740.5220.571
700, 7500.0990.1560.2130.2690.3260.3830.4390.4960.5530.610.666
800, 8500.1130.1780.2430.3080.3730.4370.5020.5670.6320.6970.761
900, 9500.1280.20.2730.3460.4190.4920.5650.6380.7110.7840.857

Intermediate sizes: Interpolate values between widths.

Sound power level for a closed multileaf damper LWA [dB(A)]

Δpt [Pa]

Area B × H [m²]

Δpt [Pa]











Installation type Installation type
A = Ducts on both sides
B = Air discharge
C = Air intake
D = Air transfer

Quick sizing tables provide a good overview of the sound power levels and differential pressures that can be expected. Approximate intermediate values can be interpolated. Precise intermediate values and spectral data can be calculated with our Easy Product Finder design program.

The sound power levels LWA apply to multileaf dampers with a cross-sectional area (B × H) of 1 m².

The differential pressures apply to multileaf dampers installed in ducts (installation type A).


Quick sizing – differential pressure and sound power level

v [m/s]Damper blade position α

Δpt [Pa]

LWA [dB(A)]

Δpt [Pa]

LWA [dB(A)]

Δpt [Pa]

LWA [dB(A)]

Δpt [Pa]

LWA [dB(A)]

Δpt [Pa]

LWA [dB(A)]
















Rectangular multileaf dampers for volume flow and pressure control as well as for low-leakage shut-off of ducts and openings in walls and ceiling slabs. Ready-to-operate unit which consists of the casing, aerofoil blades and the blade mechanism. Flanges on both sides, suitable for duct connection. The blade position is indicated externally by a notch in the blade shaft extension. Closed multileaf damper air leakage according to EN 1751, Class 2. Casing leakage according to EN 1751, Class C.

Special features

  • Aerofoil blades
  • Low-maintenance, robust construction
  • No parts with silicone
  • Available in standard sizes and many intermediate sizes
  • Closed cell side seals meet increased hygiene requirements

Materials and surfaces

  • Casing and blades made of extruded aluminium sections
  • Shafts, bearing plate and position indicator made of galvanised steel
  • Blade tip seals made of PE/PTV plastic
  • P1: Powder-coated, RAL CLASSIC colour
  • PS: Powder-coated, DB colour
  • S3: Anodised, colour according to EURAS standard, E6-C-0

Technical data

  • Nominal sizes: 200 × 100 mm – 1200 × 1000 mm
  • Maximum permitted static differential pressure for a closed multileaf damper: 2000 Pa
  • Operating temperature: 0 to 60 °C

Sizing data

  • qv  (m³/h)
  • Δpt [Pa]

Air-regenerated noise

  • LPA [dB(A)]

JZ-HL-AL / 1200 × 800 / ER / Z64 / NO / P1 – RAL …
1 Type
JZ-HL-AL Low-leakage multileaf damper made of aluminium, closed multileaf damper air leakage to EN 1751, class 2
2 Nominal size [mm]
B × H
3 Installation subframe
No entry required: None
ER With installation subframe
4 Attachments
Z04 Hold open device
Z05  Z07 Quadrant stay and limit switches
Z12  Z51 Actuators
ZF01  ZF15 Spring return actuators
Z60  Z77 Pneumatic actuators
5 Damper blade safety function
Only for spring return actuators or pneumatic actuators
NO Pressure off/power off to OPEN
NC Pressure off/power off to CLOSE
6 Surface
No entry required: Standard construction
P1 Powder-coated, specify RAL CLASSIC colour
S3 Anodised to EURAS standard E6-C-0
Gloss level
RAL 9010 50 %
RAL 9006 30 %
All other RAL colours 70 %
Order example: JZ-HL-AL/800×500/Z04/S3
Nominal size800 × 500 mm
Installation subframeNone
AttachmentsHold open device
User interfaceAnodised, EURAS E6-C-0, natural colour

Dimensions, Product details, Attachments

  • Dimensions
  • Product details
  • Attachments

  • Drive shafts (special accessory) upon request

Installation details

Installation and commissioning

  • With horizontal or vertical blades
  • With or without installation subframe
  • Torsion-free installation
  • Only for installation in internal spaces

Quadrant stays and limit switches

Order code detailDescriptionLimit switchFunction
Z04Hold open device
Z05Hold open device1Damper blade position CLOSED
Z06Hold open device1Damper blade position OPEN
Z07Hold open device2Damper blade positions CLOSED and OPEN

Open/close actuators

Order code detailDescriptionFunctionSupply voltageTorqueAuxiliary switch
2-wire-control (3-point)
100 – 240 V AC20 Nm
2-wire-control (3-point)
24 V AC/DC20 Nm
2-wire-control (3-point)
100 – 240 V AC20 NmS2A
2-wire-control (3-point)
24 V AC/DC20 NmS2A


2-wire-control (3-point)
100 – 240 V AC5 Nm
2-wire-control (3-point)
100 – 240 V AC10 Nm


2-wire-control (3-point)
24 V AC/DC5 Nm
2-wire-control (3-point)
24 V AC/DC10 Nm


2-wire-control (3-point)
100 – 240 V AC5 NmS2A
2-wire-control (3-point)
100 – 240 V AC10 NmS2A


2-wire-control (3-point)
24 V AC/DC5 NmS2A
2-wire-control (3-point)
24 V AC/DC10 NmS2A

Minimum torque of multileaf damper has to be considered when selecting the actuator.

Open/Close actuators, fast-running

Order code detailDescriptionFunctionSupply voltageTorqueAuxiliary switch
ZS21SMQ24A1-wire-control24 V AC/DC16 Nm
ZS22SMQ24A1-wire-control24 V AC/DC16 NmS2A

Open/close actuators, spring return

Order code detailDescriptionFunctionSupply voltageTorqueAuxiliary switch
ZF01NF24ASupply voltage on/off24 V AC/DC10 Nm
ZF02NFASupply voltage on/off24 – 240 V AC
24 – 125 V DC
10 Nm
ZF03NF24A-S2Supply voltage on/off24 V AC/DC10 Nmintegrated
ZF04NFA-S2Supply voltage on/off24 – 240 V AC
24 – 125 V DC
10 Nmintegrated

Modulating actuators

Order code detailDescriptionFunctionSupply voltageTorqueAuxiliary switch
Z20SM24A-SR2 – 10 V DC24 V AC/DC20 Nm
Z50LM24A-SR-F2 – 10 V DC24 V AC/DC5 Nm
Z51NM24A-SR2 – 10 V DC24 V AC/DC10 Nm

Modulating actuators, spring return

Order code detailDescriptionFunctionSupply voltageTorqueAuxiliary switch
ZF05NF24A-SR2 – 10 V DC24 V AC/DC10 Nm

Double acting pneumatic actuators

Order code detailDescriptionDamper blade safety functionOperating pressureTorque at 6 barLimit switchSolenoid valve
Z60DR0301.2 – 6 bar35 Nm
Z61DR030power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar35 Nm24 V DC
Z62DR030power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar35 Nm230 V AC
Z63DR0301.2 – 6 bar35 Nm2
Z64DR030power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar35 Nm224 V DC
Z65DR030power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar35 Nm2230 V AC
Z66DR0601.2 – 6 bar70 Nm
Z67DR060power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar70 Nm24 V DC
Z68DR060power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar70 Nm230 V AC
Z69DR0601.2 – 6 bar70 Nm2
Z70DR060power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar70 Nm224 V DC
Z71DR060power off to close/open1.2 – 6 bar70 Nm2230 V AC

Z60 – Z65: At 1.2 bar operating pressure only up to height H ≤ 650 mm

Single acting pneumatic actuators

Order code detailDescriptionDamper blade safety functionOperating pressureTorque at 6 barLimit switchSolenoid valve
pressure off to close/open6 bar30 Nm
power off and pressure off to close/open6 bar30 Nm24 V DC
power off and pressure off to close/open6 bar30 Nm230 V AC
pressure off to close/open6 bar30 Nm2
power off and pressure off to close/open6 bar30 Nm224 V DC
power off and pressure off to close/open6 bar30 Nm2230 V AC


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