Air distribution for clean rooms. Clever and flexible.

The X-CUBE CROFCU is a compact ventilation unit that ensures and maintains the essential conditions for all classes of clean rooms. The secondary unit for use with centralised ventilation and air conditioning systems is typically installed in false ceilings. It dissipates high thermal loads and requires only a low fresh air volume flow. The primary air system (patent pending) allows for the direct removal of exhaust air while fresh air is supplied to the room.

  • Suitable for all clean room concepts
  • Pumped chilled water cooling system with room temperature control
  • Increased flexibility if several units are connected
  • Energy-efficient plug fan with EC motor
  • Addition of fresh air from 50 m3/h to 2000 m3/h
  • Monitoring of filters downstream
  • Control of airlocks for people and material
  • Contamination check by means of pressure zone control
  • Space-saving due to smaller ducts
  • Simple and quick commissioning due to plug and play
Your X-CUBE Contact





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